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Resolve vs Solve is an essential English grammar exercise that can help you improve your command of the English language. In this exercise, you'll look at the subtle differences between the uses of "resolve" and "solve" and practice using these two words in context.
"Resolve" has two main meanings. One is to determine or find a solution, while the other is to remain firmly determined, as in “She resolved to go swimming every morning.” When "resolve" is used as a verb to describe a solution, it could refer to coming to a decision, or to a finding or a conclusion. “We resolves the case within three months” is an example of this sense.
"Solve," on the other hand, is much more specific when used as a verb; it means to find the answer or solution to a problem. “The detective solved the crime” is an example of this meaning.
To learn more about the difference between "resolve" and "solve," practice using them in sentences, and further improve your English grammar, try online exercise and practice tests. With consistent practice and effort, you can develop fine command over the English language and improve your writing, reading and comprehension skills.
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