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Pray vs Prey Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 26/03/2023
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Pray and Prey are two words in the English Language with similar pronunciations, but vastly different meanings and applications. Pray is a verb that refers to worshiping a divine entity with supplications or requests, while Prey is a noun that suggests being hunted and attacked by a predator. Knowing the difference between Pray vs Prey is important for developing and enhancing your understanding of proper English grammar. The difference between Pray vs Prey can be confusing, since when you say the words aloud they sound the same. To practice, saying them in different contexts can cement the distinction in your brain. For example, if you “pray to God” you are asking God for something. If you hear someone say “The lion caught its prey” you are hearing about the hunted being captured by the hunter. To further practice this distinction you can take free online grammar exercises. Pray vs Prey online exercises provide an interactive way to practice and test the difference in a fun and entertaining way. These exercises are beneficial in honing your grammar skills, while also offering insight into the multiple uses of each word. In conclusion, both Pray and Prey can slightly confuse language learners at first, because of their close pronunciations. Through online exercises, practice and observation, the difference between the two words can be mastered.

Question 1:
Before going to bed, the little girl would _ for the safety and well-being of her loved ones.
1 b
Question 2:
Every morning, she would _ for peace, love, and happiness for her friends and family members.
1 b
Question 3:
The lion, as an apex predator, is always on the lookout for its next potential _.
1 b
Question 4:
The spider patiently waits for unsuspecting _ to become trapped in its intricately woven web.
1 b
Question 5:
In times of trouble, she would _ for guidance and support from a higher power.
1 b
Question 6:
The cheetah's incredible speed enables it to catch its _ more efficiently than other big cats.
1 b
Question 7:
The congregation gathered at the church to _ together for the healing of their community.
1 b
Question 8:
Birds of prey, such as eagles and hawks, have keen eyesight to spot their _ from great distances.
1 b
Question 9:
The documentary showcased the complex relationship between predators and their _ in the wild.
1 b
Question 10:
It's important to _ for those less fortunate than ourselves and to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives.
1 b
Question 11:
He decided to _ to the universe for clarity and direction in his life during the difficult period.
1 b
Question 12:
He would _ every night for the strength and courage to overcome the challenges in his life.
1 b
Question 13:
The wolf pack worked together to track and bring down their _, ensuring their survival in the harsh environment.
1 b
Question 14:
The snake silently slithered through the grass, stalking its unsuspecting _ before striking.
1 b
Question 15:
In times of great uncertainty, many people find solace in taking a moment to _ for guidance.
1 b
Question 16:
The fox used its cunning and agility to outmaneuver its _, catching it off guard.
1 b
Question 17:
They decided to _ together for the safe return of their friend, who had gone missing during the storm.
1 b
Question 18:
She felt a sense of peace and comfort when she would _ for the health and happiness of her family.
1 b
Question 19:
In the ocean, the food chain is a complex web of predators and _, each playing a vital role in the ecosystem.
1 b
Question 20:
The owl silently swooped down from its perch, catching its nocturnal _ unawares.
1 b
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