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Free Literary Quiz

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Last updated: 15/02/2022
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How much do you know about Hamlet, the William Shakespeare's play? Take this free English Literary quiz and practice your knowledge by answering these questions.

Question 1:

The famous William Shakespeare's artwork Hamlet was written at the turn of the which century?

1 b
Question 2:

What literary genre belongs this play to? Choose from the following:

1 b
Question 3:

What is the total number of acts in Hamlet?

1 b
Question 4:

The play within the play in the context of this masterpiece means that:

1 b
Question 5:

One of the most important characters of the play, Ophelia, was 

1 b
Question 6:

In which of the following country does the main story of Hamlet take place?

1 b
Question 7:

Which of the following deaths was caused by Hamlet on purpose?

* You can choose more answers
1 b
Question 8:

In the story written by this English author, the character Horatio symbolizes:

1 b
Question 9:

Which of the following statements about the plot, the course of the story and the ending is correct?

1 b
Question 10:

In which of the following options are the characters in Hamlet ordered chronologically by the time of their death?

1 b
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