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Jane Austen Trivia Quiz

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Last updated: 04/04/2023
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Are you a fan of Jane Austen's novels? Test your knowledge with our Jane Austen trivia quiz! Our online quiz features a range of questions about Austen's life, works, and characters, and is perfect for Austen enthusiasts and literature buffs alike. From Pride and Prejudice to Sense and Sensibility, our Jane Austen quiz covers all the classics. See how many questions you can answer correctly and challenge your friends to beat your score. Take our Jane Austen quiz online today and put your knowledge to the test!

Question 1:
How many completed novels did Jane Austen write during her lifetime?
1 b
Question 2:
Which of the following novels is NOT written by Jane Austen?
1 b
Question 3:
What is the name of the protagonist in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice"?
1 b
Question 4:
Which Jane Austen novel is centered around the theme of social class and marrying for love instead of wealth?
1 b
Question 5:
What is the name of the protagonist's love interest in Jane Austen's "Emma"?
1 b
Question 6:
In Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility," which two sisters are the main characters?
1 b
Question 7:
In Jane Austen's "Persuasion," what is the name of the protagonist?
1 b
Question 8:
Which of the following is a recurring theme in Jane Austen's novels?
1 b
Question 9:
Jane Austen's novels are primarily set in which time period?
1 b
Question 10:
In Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey," what is the protagonist, Catherine Morland, obsessed with?
1 b
Question 11:
In which Jane Austen novel does the protagonist refuse a marriage proposal due to their suitor's social status?
1 b
Question 12:
What is the name of the protagonist in Jane Austen's "Mansfield Park"?
1 b
Question 13:
Which Jane Austen novel has a theme of self-discovery and personal growth?
1 b
Question 14:
Which of the following characters is known for their wit and playfulness in a Jane Austen novel?
1 b
Question 15:
Which of Jane Austen's novels was published posthumously?
1 b
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