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Than vs. Then

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 19/02/2022
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What is the difference between than vs than? Practice your grammar with this free English grammar exercise. Answer the following multiple choice questions and decide when to use then and than.

Question 1:

He looked much taller _______ me, but when we stood up together, we were almost the same height.

1 b
Question 2:

She left more money for the clothes at the store _______ she was allowed to.

1 b
Question 3:

I was born in the early 50s. There weren't so many cars on roads back _______.

1 b
Question 4:

First, bring the milk to a boil and _______ put the powder content of the bag to it.

1 b
Question 5:

Rather _______ continue the discussion, he run away angrily. What a coward.

1 b
Question 6:

I'm sorry, we don't have the blue one.

Okay, give me the red one _______.

1 b
Question 7:

I might throw it away, _______, when you hate it so much!

1 b
Question 8:

I wouldn't bet more _______ twenty bucks for that riding horse. It looks old and tired.

1 b
Question 9:

We heard a gunshot and ______ saw a police car driving down the street.

1 b
Question 10:

If you pay us one million for that house, _______ we have a deal.

1 b
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