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A Few vs A Little Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 12/03/2023
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The difference between "a few" and "a little" can be confusing for English learners. "A few" refers to a small number of countable items, while "a little" refers to a small quantity of uncountable items. Using the correct term is important for conveying the right meaning in your writing and speaking. Our online exercise on "a few" and "a little" provides 15 sentences to practice using these words correctly. By mastering the difference between "a few" and "a little," you can improve your communication skills and express yourself more clearly. This exercise will help you become more confident in using these terms in their appropriate context and avoid common mistakes in your writing. With practice, you'll be able to use "a few" and "a little" confidently and accurately. Try out our online exercise and start improving your English skills today!

Question 1:

He needs _ more ingredients to make the soup.

1 b
Question 2:

Can you give me _ more minutes to finish this task?

1 b
Question 3:

I need _ more dollars to buy the book.

1 b
Question 4:

He has _ interest in the topic.

1 b
Question 5:

She has _ friends coming over for dinner tonight.

1 b
Question 6:

They have _ time to complete the project.

1 b
Question 7:

There are _ students in the classroom.

1 b
Question 8:

He has _ experience in programming.

1 b
Question 9:

She has _ knowledge about the subject.

1 b
Question 10:

She has _ sugar left to make the cake.

1 b
Question 11:

I have _ information about the event.

1 b
Question 12:

They have _ time to catch the train.

1 b
Question 13:
They need _ more chairs for the meeting.
1 b
Question 14:
She has _ shoes for the party.
1 b
Question 15:
I need _ more spoons for the party.
1 b
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