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Drive vs Drove vs Driven Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 25/03/2023
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Knowing when to use drive, drove, and driven is a crucial part of proper English grammar. Fortunately, this online exercise helps to break down the differences between these words in a simple, user friendly way. Drive is either a verb or a noun. As a verb, drive means to move or travel in a vehicle. As a noun, it is the journey itself. For example: She drove to the grocery store. The drive was long and exhausting. Drove is the past tense of drive, and is used to refer to a completed journey in the past. For example: She drove to the grocery store last week. Lastly, driven is the past participle of drive and is used when describing something that happened as a result of a journey. For example: She was driven to the store by her friend. To help understand these words better, it is recommended that students practice this useful online exercise. It is a comprehensive grammar lesson which contains examples, explanations and practice quizzes. Perfecting the use of these words is guaranteed to improve your English grammar for any situation.

Question 1:

I've never _ a motorcycle before, but I'd like to learn how to do it someday.

1 b
Question 2:

She _ her kids to school every morning before heading to work.

1 b
Question 3:

Yesterday, my dad _ us to the amusement park, and we had an amazing time together.

1 b
Question 4:

He usually _ to work, but today he decided to take the bus instead.

1 b
Question 5:

My friend _ me to the airport last week because I had too much luggage to carry on public transportation.

1 b
Question 6:

The delivery truck has been _ over 100,000 miles since it was purchased two years ago.

1 b
Question 7:

I can't believe you've never _ a car before; it's such a useful skill to have.

1 b
Question 8:

They _ across the country last summer, visiting various national parks along the way.

1 b
Question 9:

If you're tired, I can _ for a while so you can take a break.

1 b
Question 10:

She _ her new sports car to the party to show it off to her friends.

1 b
Question 11:

My sister and I _ to the beach last weekend to enjoy the sunny weather.

1 b
Question 12:

This vehicle has been _ in many different countries as part of a promotional tour.

1 b
Question 13:

I _ around the city for hours, trying to find a parking spot close to the event.

1 b
Question 14:

The car has been _ by a professional race car driver during its test runs.

1 b
Question 15:

He _ to the store to buy some groceries for the dinner party tonight.

1 b
Question 16:

The taxi driver _ us to the wrong address, causing us to be late for the appointment.

1 b
Question 17:

This vintage car has been _ in several movies and television shows over the years.

1 b
Question 18:

She _ the car very carefully during the test to make sure it was in good condition.

1 b
Question 19:

My boss _ me to the conference center for the important meeting this morning.

1 b
Question 20:

Once you've _ an electric car, it's difficult to go back to using a gasoline-powered vehicle.

1 b
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