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Discreet vs Discrete Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 26/03/2023
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Discreet and discrete, two closely related but distinct English words, can often cause a lot of confusion for most English language learners. But even though the words are commonly confused or used interchangeably, they actually mean very different things. Discreet, which is pronounced 'dih-skreet', refers to something done or carried out in an inconspicuous or subtle manner. Discrete, pronounced 'dih-skreet', on the other hand, means separate, distinct, or individually distinct, referring to something that is separate from anything else. Understanding the differences between discreet and discrete is crucial for mastering the English language, and practising the two words can be very beneficial for this. To help understand which is which, it helps to look at examples. For instance, one could say: "The businessman was very discreet about the financial information he discussed at the meeting". In this example, discreet refers to something done subtly, like the information being spoken about quietly. On the other hand, a sentence like "The ingredients were added in discrete amounts" conveys the idea of something being separated or distinct. Practicing the understanding of discreet and discrete is an important part of English grammar and language, and taking part in an online exercise can be a great way to strengthen your knowledge on the two words. Through practice, discreet and discrete can become easier and more natural to use in proper English writing.

Question 1:
She appreciated her friend's _ approach when giving advice about her personal issues.
1 b
Question 2:
The scientist divided the data into _ categories to make it easier to analyze and interpret.
1 b
Question 3:
When discussing sensitive topics, it's important to be _ and considerate of other people's feelings.
1 b
Question 4:
The teacher organized the students into _ groups according to their skill level to provide targeted instruction.
1 b
Question 5:
The company decided to split its services into _ packages, each offering different features and benefits.
1 b
Question 6:
Their secret meeting required _ planning and communication to ensure that no one found out about it.
1 b
Question 7:
In mathematics, _ numbers are those that are individually separate and distinct from one another.
1 b
Question 8:
In music theory, there are _ pitches that can be played separately or combined to create chords.
1 b
Question 9:
The research project was divided into _ phases, each with specific objectives and timelines.
1 b
Question 10:
He chose to be _ when he handed her the surprise gift, so as not to spoil the moment.
1 b
Question 11:
She was _ in her praise, making sure not to embarrass her friend in front of the entire group.
1 b
Question 12:
It's essential to be _ when discussing confidential information, especially in a public setting.
1 b
Question 13:
When addressing a controversial topic, he always remained _ and respectful in his choice of words.
1 b
Question 14:
The computer program analyzed _ data points to generate a detailed and accurate report.
1 b
Question 15:
The secret agent needed to be _ while gathering information to avoid attracting any unwanted attention.
1 b
Question 16:
They decided to have a _ conversation away from the party to discuss the sensitive matter.
1 b
Question 17:
The architect designed the building with _ sections, each serving a unique purpose and function.
1 b
Question 18:
The machine's components were _ parts that could be assembled and disassembled easily for maintenance.
1 b
Question 19:
The diplomat was known for his _ approach, skillfully navigating complex situations without causing offense.
1 b
Question 20:
The test consisted of several _ sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the subject matter.
1 b
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