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Bring vs Brought Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 20/03/2023
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Understanding the differences between Bring and Brought can be tricky for learners of the English language. This online exercise gives practitioners the opportunity to practice and master the usage of these two words. The two words are part of grammar relating to the Past Simple and Past Participle of regular verbs. Bring is used in the infinitive, present tense and future forms and Brought is the Past Simple and Past Participle form. This exercise provides contextual clues and examples which allow better understanding of the correct grammar usage. With practice and a greater understanding of the English language, learners can easily become confident in distinguishing between Bring and Brought. Enhance your English vocabulary and practice your grammar with this helpful exercise.

Question 1:
She was not able to _ any of her materials in since the room was too small.
1 b
Question 2:
He _ his digital camera to take pictures at the event.
1 b
Question 3:
I _ my old laptop with me in case a presentation was required.
1 b
Question 4:
He _ enough food for everyone at the picnic.
1 b
Question 5:
We _ the necessary documents to the bank.
1 b
Question 6:
They _ a gift for their parents when they arrived.
1 b
Question 7:
The manager asked us to _ new chairs for the office.
1 b
Question 8:
Can you please _ some extra snacks from the store?
1 b
Question 9:
I _ a textbook to the library for reference.
1 b
Question 10:
She _ some food for the workers at the construction site.
1 b
Question 11:
They asked him to _ the files to the conference.
1 b
Question 12:
We _ a new chair for the office.
1 b
Question 13:
We _ our passports with us when travelling.
1 b
Question 14:
He _ a copy of the contract to the meeting.
1 b
Question 15:
He _ the tickets to the party before leaving the house.
1 b
Question 16:
I need to _ a bag of apples to the grocery.
1 b
Question 17:
The cashier asked us to _ our receipts to the counter.
1 b
Question 18:
They _ a new laptop to their house.
1 b
Question 19:
She asked me to _ some flowers for the party.
1 b
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