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Phrasal Verbs with Take

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 26/02/2022
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Practice phrasal verbs with take with this free English grammar exercise. Choose the correct phrasal verbs with take so that the meaning corresponds the one in the brackets.

Question 1:

John is similarly fair and reasonable as his father. He _______ him a lot. (to have the same character or personality traits, to resemble)

1 b
Question 2:

Teacher was speaking so quickly during today's English class that there was no way for us to _______ any of that. (to write down as a note)

1 b
Question 3:

He was very curious about the old radio and wanted to know what's inside. However, after _______  he couldn't put it back together. (to separate something into parts)

1 b
Question 4:

The bad news on the TV about the war ______. We all wish for world peace. (to shock, to surprise, to disturb)

1 b
Question 5:

I'm studying to be a lawyer as my mother and father, and then I would like to _______ our family business. (to become responsible for something)

1 b
Question 6:

We put on our jackets believing it's cold outside. However, after only a few minutes we had to _______ because of the hot weather. (to remove clothing)

1 b
Question 7:

After we boarded on the plane, someone's laptop charger started to smoke. Luckily, the situation was resolved quickly and the plane _______ on time. (to depart, to leave the ground)

1 b
Question 8:

After she was the only one to have straight A's at the end of the school year, other jealous students _______ her. (to become unfriendly towards someone)

1 b
Question 9:

After not having enough sleep, I was so tired during the yesterday's lecture about English grammar that I hardly _______ any of it. (to comprehend, to understand)

1 b
Question 10:

Can you _______ it again, please? I was paying attention the whole time but I think I don't I understand it correctly. (to explain something)

1 b
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