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Little v A little Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

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Last updated: 12/03/2023
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The difference between "little" and "a little" can be confusing for English learners. "Little" means that there is not much of something or that the quantity is small. "A little," on the other hand, means that there is a small but sufficient amount of something. Using the correct term can be important for conveying the right meaning in your writing and speaking. Our online exercise on "little" and "a little" provides 15 sentences to practice using these words correctly. By mastering the difference between "little" and "a little," you can improve your communication skills and express yourself more clearly. This exercise will help you become more confident in using these terms in their appropriate context, and avoid common mistakes in your writing. With practice, you'll be able to use "little" and "a little" confidently and accurately.

Question 1:

He has _ experience with cooking. He should practice more.

1 b
Question 2:

She has _ money left in her bank account. She really can't afford that.

1 b
Question 3:

I can talk right now. I have _ time before my next meeting.

1 b
Question 4:

He has _ patience with children. He couldn't be a teacher.

1 b
Question 5:

She has _ knowledge about the subject. Don't listen to her.

1 b
Question 6:

There is _ milk left in the refrigerator. We don't need to go to the shop.

1 b
Question 7:

We need _ more information before we can make a decision.

1 b
Question 8:

He has _ interest in the topic. Let's talk about something different.

1 b
Question 9:

There is _ hope for a resolution to the problem.

1 b
Question 10:

I need _ more sleep to feel rested.

1 b
Question 11:

There is _ sugar in the recipe. It should be sweet enough.

1 b
Question 12:

There is _ time left to finish the project. We don't need to hurry that much.

1 b
Question 13:

He has _ respect for authority figures.

1 b
Question 14:

She has _ experience with public speaking, almost none I would say.

1 b
Question 15:

We have _ understanding of the situation, but we need more information.

1 b
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