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Word Formation Verbs Suffixes 1

English Vocabulary Exercise

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Last updated: 18/05/2022
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Practice your word formation with this free English vocabulary exercise. Form verbs from the words in brackets using the suffixes from the verb forming suffixes list: -ize, -en, -ate, -ify. Prefer the suffix -ize instead of -ise.

Question 1:

Our philosophy teacher used to say that most conflicts _______ from misunderstanding of each other and that clear communication is the key to a healthy relationship. (verb from origin)

1 b
Question 2:

After reading in front of the class, we were told to _______ each other's essays. I think it is a good way to get better at writing them. (verb of critique)

1 b
Question 3:

After watching a documentary about the Second World War, we all agreed that there is nothing that can _______ the atrocities that happened during those times. (verb of justice)

1 b
Question 4:

I never _______ how fast I could be until I had to run from a wild boar. (verb of real)

1 b
Question 5:

Most dentists are against home-made solutions that are supposed to _______ our teeth because most of them simply don't work and can permanently damage tooth enamel. (verb of white)

1 b
Question 6:

Her evening skincare routine usually consist of 5 steps and takes about 20 minutes. After she _______ it, she managed to save about 10 minutes a day which equals to 5 hours a month! (verb from simple)

1 b
Question 7:

The best way to _______ dirty water is to filter it through charcoal and then bring it to the boil. (verb for pure)

1 b
Question 8:

The new economic laws that will be soon adopted will do nothing but _______ the already existing inequality between the rich and the poor. (verb for deep)

1 b
Question 9:

I don't believe the ads on the TV anymore. I've tried almost every product but none of them has helped me to _______ my skin. (verb of beauty)

1 b
Question 10:

No way you are going out in those long jeans. Give them to me and I will try to _______ them. (verb for short)

1 b
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