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William Shakespeare Plays Trivia Quiz

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Last updated: 03/04/2023
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Looking to test your knowledge on the works of William Shakespeare? Look no further than our William Shakespeare Plays trivia quiz! This online quiz features a variety of questions that will challenge even the most devoted fans of the Bard. Test your knowledge on his most famous plays, such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, as well as some of his lesser-known works. Each question is designed to make you think and provide a fun and engaging challenge. Whether you're a seasoned Shakespearean scholar or a casual fan, our William Shakespeare Plays trivia quiz is the perfect way to test your knowledge and learn something new about one of the greatest playwrights in history. So why wait? Take the quiz today and see how well you really know William Shakespeare's plays!

Question 1:
Which of the following plays is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare?
1 b
Question 2:
In which play do the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern appear?
1 b
Question 3:
What is the name of the character who speaks the famous "To be, or not to be" soliloquy?
1 b
Question 4:
Which Shakespeare play features the characters Desdemona and Iago?
1 b
Question 5:
What is the setting of the play "The Merchant of Venice"?
1 b
Question 6:
Which play features the quote "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"?
1 b
Question 7:
Who are the three witches in "Macbeth" commonly known as?
1 b
Question 8:
Which character utters the line "Et tu, Brute?" in the play "Julius Caesar"?
1 b
Question 9:
In "Romeo and Juliet," which family does Juliet belong to?
1 b
Question 10:
What is the name of the king in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
1 b
Question 11:
In "The Taming of the Shrew," who is the shrew that needs to be tamed?
1 b
Question 12:
Which character from "Twelfth Night" disguises herself as a man named Cesario?
1 b
Question 13:
What is the name of the fairy queen in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
1 b
Question 14:
In "Much Ado About Nothing," which character is falsely accused of infidelity?
1 b
Question 15:
In "The Tempest," who is the rightful Duke of Milan and father to Miranda?
1 b
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