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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Disney Trivia Quiz

Free Culture And Art Quiz with Answers

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Last updated: 13/03/2023
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"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who knows Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs best of all?" If you're looking for a bit of fun and a challenge, try our online trivia quiz! With 20 questions and multiple choice answers, our quiz will test your knowledge of all things Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. From the wicked queen to the names of the dwarfs, we've got it all covered. So gather your friends and family and see who can answer the most questions correctly! With answers provided, you'll learn new facts and impress your friends with your newfound expertise. Don't wait, take our quiz and become the fairest of them all in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs trivia!

Question 1:

What is the name of Snow White's stepmother?

1 b
Question 2:

How many dwarfs does Snow White live with?

1 b
Question 3:

What does the wicked queen ask the huntsman to bring her as proof of Snow White's death?

1 b
Question 4:

Which dwarf wears glasses?

1 b
Question 5:

What does Snow White eat that puts her into a deep sleep?

1 b
Question 6:

What is the name of the wicked queen's talking magic mirror?

1 b
Question 7:

What does the wicked queen disguise herself as to trick Snow White?

1 b
Question 8:

Which dwarf is always sneezing?

1 b
Question 9:

What do the dwarfs do for a living?

1 b
Question 10:

What does Snow White do for the dwarfs in return for their hospitality?

1 b
Question 11:

Which dwarf is the youngest and smallest?

1 b
Question 12:

What does the wicked queen order her huntsman to do with Snow White's heart?

1 b
Question 13:

What color is Snow White's hair?

1 b
Question 14:

What does the wicked queen use to disguise herself as an old woman?

1 b
Question 15:

What is the name of the forest where Snow White meets the dwarfs?

1 b
Question 16:

How does the wicked queen die in the end?

1 b
Question 17:

What does the wicked queen ask the magic mirror every day?

1 b
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