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Hinduism Trivia Quiz

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Last updated: 31/03/2023
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Are you looking for a fun and challenging way to learn more about Hinduism? Now you can test your knowledge with a Hinduism Trivia Quiz! This online quiz contains multiple choice questions and answers about the religion, from beliefs and values to historical information and its impact on Indian culture. It covers topics such as the main gods, the main Hindu texts, the caste system, yoga and meditation, and religious festivals and ceremonies. Test your understanding and find out if you know your stuff when it comes to Hinduism! Questions in the quiz can include things such as “Who is the god of destruction?”, “What is the name for a pilgrimage journey?” and “What is the highest social class in the caste system?”. Be sure to take our Hinduism Trivia Quiz to check your knowledge and find out how much you know about this ancient religion!

Question 1:
Which sacred text is considered the oldest and most important in Hinduism, containing hymns, prayers, and rituals?
1 b
Question 2:
In Hinduism, what is the term for the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that each individual experiences?
1 b
Question 3:
Which of the following is the preserver god in the Hindu trinity, known as the Trimurti?
1 b
Question 4:
What term describes the moral and ethical duties that each Hindu is expected to follow in their life?
1 b
Question 5:
Which Hindu deity is known as the destroyer and is part of the Trimurti?
1 b
Question 6:
Which Hindu goddess is associated with wealth, fortune, and prosperity?
1 b
Question 7:
What is the ultimate spiritual goal in Hinduism, which involves liberation from the cycle of birth and death?
1 b
Question 8:
What form of yoga in Hinduism focuses on selfless action and fulfilling one's duties without expectation of reward?
1 b
Question 9:
Which sacred Hindu text is a 700-verse dialogue between Prince Arjuna and the god Krishna?
1 b
Question 10:
In Hinduism, what is the term for the universal law of cause and effect, which determines the consequences of one's actions?
1 b
Question 11:
What is the name of the Hindu festival of lights, celebrating the victory of light over darkness and good over evil?
1 b
Question 12:
Which of the following Hindu gods is known as the remover of obstacles and is often depicted with an elephant head?
1 b
Question 13:
In Hinduism, what are the four stages of life, each with its own set of duties and responsibilities?
1 b
Question 14:
Which form of yoga in Hinduism is focused on devotion and love for a personal god or goddess?
1 b
Question 15:
Which epic Hindu text tells the story of Prince Rama and his wife Sita, and is a central work in Hindu literature?
1 b
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